"Optimal form of light cones for bosonic transport in long-range systems"
Tan Van Vu, Tomotaka Kuwahara, and Keiji Saito
( arXiv:2307.01059 )
"Universal bounds on the performance of information-thermodynamic engine"
Tomohiro Tanogami, Tan Van Vu, and Keiji Saito
( arXiv:2305.18914 )
"Geometric characterization for cyclic heat engines far from equilibrium"
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
( arXiv:2305.06219 )
"Thermodynamics geometry of ideal quantum gases: a genral framework and a geometric picture of BEC-enhanced heat engines"
J. Eglinton, T. Pyharanta, K. Saito, and K. Brandner
New Journal of Physics, vol.25, 043014(2023)
( arXiv:2212.12076 )
"Thermodynamic Unification of Optimal Transport: Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation, Minimum Dissipation, and Thermodynamic Speed Limits"
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. X, vol.13,011013 (2023)
( arXiv:2206.02684 )
"Topological Speed Limit"
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 130, 010402 (2023), Editors' suggestion
( arXiv:2206.14599 )
"Optimal light cone and digital quantum simulation of interacting bosons"
Tomotaka Kuwahara Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
( arXiv:2206.14736 )
"Reinforcement learning approach to shortcuts between thermodynamic states with minimum entropy production"
Rongxing Xu
Phys. Rev. E vol. 105, 054123 (2022)
( arXiv:2111.03432 )
"Thermodynamics of Precision in Markovian Open Quantum Dynamics"
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 128, 140602 (2022)
( arXiv: 2111.04599 ),
"Exponential clustering of bipartite quantum entanglement at arbitrary temperatures"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. X vol.12, 021022 (2022)
"Finite-Time Quantum Landauer Principle and Quantum Coherence"
Tan Van Vu and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.128,010602 (2022)
( arXiv:2106.05743 )
"Fate of measurement-induced phase transition in long-range interactions"
Takaaki Minato, Koudai Sugimoto, Tomotaka Kuwahara, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 128, 010603 (2022) Editors' suggestion, featured in physics
( arXiv:2104.09118 )
"Kondo Effect in a Quantum Dot under Continuous Quantum Measurement"
Msahiro Hasegawa, Masaya Nakagawam and Keiji Saito
"Lieb-Robinson bound and almost-linear light-cone in interacting boson systems"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.127,070403 (2021)
( arXiv:2103.11592 )
"Microscopic theory of the fluctuating hydrodynamics in nonlinear lattices"
Keiji Saito, Masaru Hongo, Abhishek Dhar, and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 127, 010601 (2021)
" A Numerical Method to Find the Optimal Thermodynamic Cycle in Microscopic Heat Engine"
Rongxing Xu
Journal of Stat. Phys. vol. 184, 29 (2021)
"Speed limit for open systems coupled to general environments"
Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Research, vol. 3 023074 (2021)
( arXiv:2002.11991 )
"Symmetry hinders quantum information recovery"
Hiroyasu Tajima and Keiji Saito
"Many-body scar state intrinsic to periodically driven system: Rigorous results"
Sho Sugiura, Tomotaka Kuwahara, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Res (Letter), vol. 3 L012010 (2021)
( arXiv: 191106092 )
"Absence of fast scrambling in thermodynamically stable long-range interacting systems"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.126, 030604 (2021)
( arXiv:2009.10124 )
"Delta-T noise in the Kondo regime"
Masahiro Hasegawa and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. B, vol. 103, 045409 (2021)
( arXiv:2008.08839 )
"Revisiting the Mazur bound and the Suzuki equality"
Abhishek Dhar, Aritra Kundu and Keiji Saito
"Coherence cost for violating conservation laws"
Hiroyasu Tajima, Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Res., vol. 2, 043374 (2020)
( arXiv:1906.04076 )
"Area law of non-critical ground states in 1D long-range interacting systems"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Nature Comm., vol.11, 4478 (2020)
"Gaussian concentration bound and Ensemble equivalence in generic quantum many-body systems including long-range interaction"
Tomotaka Kuwahara anda Keiji Saito
Ann. Phys., vol.421, 168278 (2020)
( arXiv:1906.10872 )
"Strictly linear light cones in long-range interacting systems of arbitrary dimensions"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. X, vol.10, 031010 (2020) , Featured in Physics
"Eigenstate thermalization from clustering of correlation"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.124, 200604 (2020)
( arXiv:1905.01886 )
"Energy current correlation in solvable long-range interacting systems"
Shuji Tamaki and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E, vol. 101, 042118 (2020)
( arXiv:1906.08457 )
"Thermodynamic Geometry of Microscopic Heat Engines"
Kay Brandner and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol.124, 040602 (2020)
( arXiv:1907.6780 )
"Information-theoretical bound of the irreversibility in thermal relaxation processes"
Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 123, 110603 (2019)
( arXiv:1902.04857 )
"Universal First-Passage-Time Distribution of Non-Gaussian Currents"
S. Singh, P.l Menczel, D. S. Golubev, I.M. Khaymovich, J.T. Peltonen, C.Flindt, K. Saito, É.Roldán, J. P. Pekola
Phys. Rev. Lett, vol.122, 230602 (2019)
( arXiv:1809.06870 See also theory)
"Thermoelectric coefficients and the figure of merit for large open quantum dots"
Robert S. Whitney and Keiji Saito
SciPost Phys. vol.6, 012 (2019)
( arXiv:1805.05166 )
"Speed limit for open quantum systems"
Ken Funo, Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito
New Journal of Physics, vol.21, 013006 (2019)
"Exact Results for First-Passage-Time Statistics in Biased Quenched Trap Models"
Takuma Akimoto and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E 99, 052127 (2019)
( arXiv:1901.00624 )
"5/6-Superdiffusion of energy for coupled charged harmonic oscillators in a magnetic field"
Keiji Saito, Makiko Sasada and Hayate Suda
Comm. Math. Phys. , vol. 3722, pages151–182(2019)
( arXiv:1808.01040 )
"Fundamental Relation Between Entropy Production and Heat Current"
Naoto Shiraishi and Keiji Saito
J. Stat. Phys. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-018-2180-0
"Thermalization and heating dynamics in open generic many-body systems"
Yuto Ashida, Keiji Saito, and Masahito Ueda
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 121, 170402 (2018)
( arXiv:1807.00019 )
"Uncertainty relations in implementation of unitary control"
Hiroyasu Tajima, Naoto Shiraishi, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.121, 110403 (2018)
( arXiv:1709.06920 )
"Polynomial-time Classical Simulation for One-dimensional Quantum Gibbs States"
Tomotaka Kuwahara and Keiji Saito
"Speed Limit for Classical Stochastic Processes"
Naoto Shiraishi, Ken Funo, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.121, 070601 (2018)
( arXiv:1802.06554 )
"Thermal conductivity for coupled charged harmonic oscillators with noise in a magnetic field"
Keiji Saito and Makiko Sasada
Commun. Math. Phys. (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00220-018-3198-5 .
( arXiv:1709.09668 )
"Energy current cumulants in one-dimensional systems in equilibrium"
Abhishek Dhar, Keiji Saito, and Anjan Roy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 220603 (2018)
( arXiv:1512.00561 )
"Non-self averagings and ergodicity in quenched trap model with finite system size"
Takuma Akimoto, Eli Barkai, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E 97, 052143 (2018)
( arXiv:180206524 )
"Thermodynamic Bounds on Precision in Ballistic Multi-Terminal Transport"
Kay Brandner, Taro Hanazato, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 090601 (2018)
( arXiv:1710.04928 )
"Heat transport via a local two-state system near thermal equilibrium"
Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, Masanari Kato, Takeo Kato and Keiji Saito
New J. Phys. vol. 20, 093014 (2018).
( arXiv:1803.07987 )
"Nernst-like Effect in a Flexible Chain"
Shuji Tamaki and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E vol.98, 052134 (2018).
( arXiv:1802.10234 )
"Heat transport via low-dimensional systems with broken time-reversal symmetry"
Shuji Tamaki, Makiko Sasada, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 110602 (2017)
( arXiv:1706.02520 )
"Numerical Test of the Additivity Principle in Anomalous Transport"
Shuji Tamaki
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 104005 (2017)
"Fundamental aspects of steady-state conversion of heat to work at the nanoscale (review)"
Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Keiji Saito, and Robert S. Whitney
Physics Reports, 694, 1 (2017)
( arXiv:1608.05595 )
"Universal trade-off relation between power and efficiency for heat engines"
Naoto Shiraishi, Keiji Saito, and Hal Tasaki
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 190601 (2016)
( arXiv:1605.00356 )
"Universal Fluctuations of Single-Particle Diffusivity in Quenched Environment"
Takuma Akimoto, Eli Barkai, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 180602 (2016)
( arXiv:1604.06175 )
"Waiting for rare entropic fluctuations"
Keiji Saito and Abhishek Dhar
Europhys. Lett. 114, 50004 (2016)
( arXiv:1504.02187 )
"Rigorous bound on energy absorption and generic relaxation in periodically driven quantum systems"
Takashi Mori, Tomotaka Kuwahara, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 120401 (2016)
( arXiv:1509.03968 )
"Floquet-Magnus Theory and Generic Transient Dynamics in Periodically Driven Many-Body Quantum Systems"
Tomotaka Kuwahara, Takashi Mori, and Keiji Saito
Annals of Physics 367, 96 (2016)
( arXiv:1508.05797 )
"Heat Transport in Harmonic Systems (review)"
( in Thermal Transport in Low Dimensions: From Statistical Physics to Nanoscale Heat Transfer, edited by S. Lepri )
Abhishek Dhar and Keiji Saito
Lecture notes in Physics vol. 921 (Springer, 2016)
"Thermodynamics of Micro- and Nano-Systems Driven by Periodic Temperature Variations"
Kay Brandner, Keiji Saito, and Udo Seifert
( arXiv:1505.07771 )
"Numerical test of hydrodynamic fluctuation theory in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain"
Suman G. Das, Abhishek Dhar, Keiji Saito, Christian B. Mendl, and Herbert Spohn
Phys. Rev. E 90, 012124 (2014)
( arXiv:1404.7081 )
"A Classical Nernst Engine"
Julian Stark, Key Brandner, Keiji Saito, and Udo Seifert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 140601 (2014) [Editor's suggestion]
( arXiv:1310.1195 )
"Anomalous transport and current fluctuations in a model of diffusing Levy walkers"
Abhishek Dhar and Keiji Saito
( arXiv:1308.5476 )
"Kondo signature in heat transfer via a local two-state system"
Keiji Saito and Takeo Kato
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 214301 (2013)
( arXiv:1307.7426 )
"Strong bounds on Onsager coefficients and efficiency for three terminal thermoelectric transport in a magnetic field"
Kay Brandner, Keiji Saito, and Udo Seifert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 070603 (2013) [Editor's suggestion ]
( arXiv:1301.0492 )
"Exact solution of a Levy walk model for anomalous heat transport"
Abhishek Dhar, Keiji Saito, and Bernard Derrida
Phys. Rev. E. 87, 010103(R) (2013)
( arXiv:1207.1184 )
Before Y2012
"Nonequilibrium density matrix description of steady state quantum transport "
Abhishek Dhar, Keiji Saito, and Peter Hänggi
Phys. Rev. E 85, 011126, (2012)
( arXiv:1106.3207 )
"Thermopower with broken time-reversal symmetry"
Keiji Saito, Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, and Tomaz Prosen
Phys. Rev. B 84, 201306(R) (2011)
( arXiv:1107.1431 )
"Additivity Principle in High-dimensional Deterministic Systems"
Keiji Saito and Abhishek Dhar
Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 250601 (2011)
( arXiv:1106.2907 )
"Extended Clausius Relation and Entropy for Nonequilibrium Steady States in Heat Conducting Quantum Systems"
Keiji Saito and Hal Tasaki
J. Stat. Phys. 145, 1275 (2011)
( arXiv:1105.2168 )
"Thermodynamic Bounds on Efficiency for Systems with Broken Time-reversal Symmetry"
Giuliano Benenti, Keiji Saito, and Giulio Casati
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 23602 (2011)
( arXiv:1102.4735 )
"Fluctuation Theorem and Microreversibility in a Quantum Coherent Conductor"
Shuji Nakamura, Yoshiaki Yamauchi, Masayuki Hashisaka, Kensaku Chida, Kensuke Kobayashi, Teruo Ono, Renaud Leturcq, Klaus Ensslin, Keiji Saito, Yasuhiro Utsumi, and Arthur C. Gossard
Phys. Rev. B 83, 155431 (2011) [Editor's suggestion]
( arXiv:1101.5850 )
"Generating Function Formula of Heat Transfer in Harmonic Networks"
Keiji Saito and Abhishek Dhar
Phys. Rev. E 83, 041121 (2011)
( arXiv:1012.0622 )
"Linear response formula for finite frequency thermal conductance of open systems"
Abhishek Dhar, Onuttom Narayan, Anupam Kundu, and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E 83, 011101 (2011)
( arXiv:1008.4687 )
"A microscopic mechanism for increasing thermoelectric efficiency"
Keiji Saito, Giuliano Benenti, and Giulio Casati
( arXiv:1005.4744 )
"Chaotic Transport in the Symmetry Crossover regime with Spin-Orbit interaction"
Keiji Saito and Taro Nagao
Phys. Rev. B 82, 125322 (2010)
( arXiv:1003.5537 )
"Non-equilibrium Fluctuation Relation in a Quantum Coherent Conductor"
Shuji Nakamura, Yoshiaki Yamauchi, Masayuki Hashisaka, Kensaku Chida, Kensuke Kobayashi, Teruo Ono, Renaud Leturcq, Klaus Ensslin, Keiji Saito, Yasuhiro Utsumi, and Arthur C. Gossard
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 080602 (2010)
( arXiv:0911.3470 )
"Bidirectional Single-Electron Counting and the Fluctuation Theorem"
Yasuhiro Utsumi, Dmitri S. Golubev, Michael Marthaler, Keiji Saito, Toshimasa Fujisawa, and Gerd Schön
Phys. Rev. B 81, 125331 (2010)
( arXiv:0908.0229 )
"Heat conduction in a three dimensional anharmonic crystal"
Keiji Saito and Abhishek Dhar
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 040601 (2010)
( arXiv:0910.0080 )
"Semiclassical Theory for Universality in Quantum Chaos with Symmetry Crossover"
Keiji Saito, Taro Nagao, Sebastian Muller, and Petr Braun
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 495101 (2009)
( arXiv:0906.2033 )
"Cooling mechanisms in molecular conduction junctions"
Michael Galperin, Keiji Saito, Alexander V. Balatsky, and Abraham Nitzan
( arXiv:0905.2748 )
"Fluctuation Theorem in a Quantum-Dot Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer"
Yasuhiro Utsumi and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. B 79, 235311 (2009)
( arXiv:0810.1113 )
"Heat conduction in the disordered Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chain"
Abhishek Dhar and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. E 78, 061136 (2008)
( arXiv:0806.4067 )
"Symmetry in Full-Counting Statistics, Fluctuation Theorem, and Relations among Nonlinear Transport coefficients in the presence of a Magnetic field"
Keiji Saito and Yasuhiro Utsumi
Phys. Rev. B 78, 115429 (2008)
( arXiv:0709.4128 )
"Energy Dissipation and Fluctuation-Response in Driven Quantum Langevin Dynamics"
Keiji Saito
Europhys. Lett. 83, 50006 (2008)
( arXiv:0804.1070 )
"Coherent destruction of tunneling, dynamic localization, and the Landau-Zener formula"
Yosuke Kayanuma and Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. A 77, 010101(R) (2008)
( arXiv:0708.3570 )
"Semiclassical Approach to Parametric Spectral Correlation with Spin 1/2"
Taro Nagao and Keiji Saito
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 12055 (2007)
( arXiv:0707.2276 )
"Fluctuation Theorem in Quantum Heat Conduction"
Keiji Saito and Abhishek Dhar
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 180601 (2007)
( cond-mat/0703777 )
"Dissipative Landau-Zener transitions of a qubit: bath-specific and universal behavior"
Keiji Saito, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler, Yosuke Kayanuma, and Peter Hänggi
Phys. Rev. B 75, 214308 (2007)
( cond-mat/0703596 )
"Semiclassical theory for parametric correlation of energy levels"
Taro Nagao, Petr Braun, Sebastian Müller, Keiji Saito, Stefan Heusler, and Fritz Haake
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, 47 (2007) [Editor's choice]
( nlin/0607070 )
"Gauging a quantum heat bath with dissipative Landau-Zener transitions"
Martijn Wubs, Keiji Saito, Sigmund Kohler, Peter Hänggi, and Yosuke Kayanuma
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 200404 (2006)
( cond-mat/0608333 )
"Asymmetric Heat Flow in Mesoscopic Magnetic System"
Keiji Saito
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, 034603 (2006)
( cond-mat/0602621 )
"Quantum state preparation in circuit QED via Landau-Zener tunneling"
Keiji Saito, Martijn Wubs, Sigmund Kohler, Yosuke Kayanuma, and Peter Hänggi
( cond-mat/0603188 )
"Spectral form factor for chaotic dynamics in a weak magnetic field"
Keiji Saito and Taro Nagao
( nlin/0505055 )
"Monte Calro simulation of localization dynamics of excitons in ZnO and CdZnO quantum well structures"
Toshiharu Makino, Keiji Saito, Akira Ohtomo, Masashi Kawasaki, Ramazan T. Senger, and K. K. Bajaj
J. Appl. Phys. 99, 066108 (2006)
( cond-mat/0602117 )
"Landau-Zener transitions in qubits controlled by electromagnetic fields"
Martijn Wubs, Keiji Saito, Sigmund Kohler, Yosuke Kayanuma, and Peter Hänggi
New J. Phys. 7, 218 (2005) [Editor's choice]
( cond-mat/0508156 )
"Nonadiabatic Electron Manipulation in a Quantum-dot Array and Related Transport Phenomena"
Keiji Saito and Yosuke Kayanuma
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74, 256 (2005)
"Nonadiabatic electron manipulation in quantum-dot arrays"
Keiji Saito and Yosuke Kayanuma
Phys. Rev. B 70, 201304(R) (2004)
( cond-mat/0411468 )
"Transport anomaly in the low-energy regime of spin chains"
Keiji Saito
Phys. Rev. B 67, 064410 (2003)
( cond-mat/0212403 )
"Strong Evidence of Normal Heat Conduction in a one-Dimensional Quantum System"
Keiji Saito
( nlin/0212027 )
"Form Factor of a Quantum Graph in a Weak Magnetic Field"
Taro Nagao and Keiji Saito
( nlin/0211006 )
Several Papers before 2003
"Nonadiabatic Transition Probabilities in the Presence of Strong Dissipation at Avoided Level Crossing Point"
Keiji Saito and Yosuke Kayanuma
Phys. Rev. A 65, 033407 (2002)
( cond-mat/0111420 )
"Energy transport in the integrable system in contact with various types of phonon reservoirs"
Keiji Saito, Shinji Takesue, and Seiji Miyashita
( cond-mat/9810069 )
"Thermal conduction in a quantum system"
Keiji Saito, Shinji Takesue, and Seiji Miyashita
"Nontrivial Response of Nanoscale Uniaxial Magnets to an Alternating Field"
Seiji Miyashita, Keiji Saito, and Hans De Raedt
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 1525 (1998)
( cond-mat/9706276 )
"Theory of quantum tunneling of the magnetization in magnetic particles"
Hans De Raedt, Seiji Miyashita, Keiji Saito, D. García-Pablos, and N. García